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Our Ascended Master Germain

Feb 22, 2021 | Akasha Appreciation Day

Our Ascended Master Germain
Great God of Freedom. Our Hearts call out to Thee!

Our Ascended Master Germain,
Our Hearts call out to Thee,
Great Master of Ascension’s Flame,
Come now the world to see.

Mighty Lord and Sacred Alchemist,
Oh come to us this hour,
Freedom Flames enduring Activist,
Come now Your Purifying Ray Power.

Our Ascended Master Germain,
Our Hearts call out to Thee,
Great Glorious Master of Freedom’s Flame,
Come now your Presence and set us Free.

Purifying Rays from the Central Sun,
The Master projects to us now,
His Presence decrees that we are One,
We love the Great Master, to Him we bow!

The Master releases His Great Command,
Transforming and Perfecting all here,
Before His Mastery, we dare to Stand,
His Presence with us we hold dear.

Our Ascended Master Germain,
Blaze through us God’s Eternal Truth,
For all shall know God’s ‘I AM’ Name,
And make us all God’s Youth.

Our Ascended Master Germain,
We love You! (3) We bless You! (3)
We adore You! (3) We thank You! (3)
For Your Presence with us each day!

Almighty God I AM! (3)