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Beloved ‘I AM that I AM’, I have made the Choice!

Aug 11, 2020 | Akasha Appreciation Day

Beloved ‘I AM that I AM’, I have made the Choice!

I have made the choice to become the ‘I AM that I AM’ in this earthly embodiment that I have been given. Let me be very clear with myself, I have made the decision to become once again, the ‘I AM that I AM’ in this embodiment that I have been given. I have made a choice to become the ‘I AM’ that I have discovered is my true God Nature and Divinity. I have made the decision for Resurrection, to be restored back to the ‘Christ I AM Being’ that I was when I first came to the Earth, possibly 14 to 15 million years ago. I am here to be raised into my full Christ Consciousness expressing through this embodiment I have been given. I am here to be the prophecy fulfilled of the Ascended Jesus Christ. I am here to be raised an Untouchable.

I will not busy myself with the correcting of error, for I see it all as an illusion. I will busy myself with making myself an instrument of ‘The Christ I AM’ that is readying to enter into my consciousness and take up this earthly embodiment. I have made a choice for the Light, I have made a choice for Love and ‘I AM’ ready for the greatest activity and adventure that one who has formerly been called a human being could now venture upon, and that is the Path of Resurrection.

These are clear conscious choices that I have made; these choices are seeded in the garden of my consciousness. Now perhaps I understand the Illumination of Christ assists me to make grand decisions. The Violet Purifying Flame of Master Germain assists me to purify this earthly embodiment of the duality that has been imposed upon it, and now for the rest, I absolutely get it, using a more modern term, I get it! The Rose Pink Flames of Mother Akasha, Love, Will, Grace, Appreciation, and Protection is what fuels and fulfills these choices that I have made, fuels and enriches these Seeds of Choice that I love to remind myself.  ‘I AM’ clear as to why ‘I AM’ here.

‘I AM’ fearless. I will not announce this to the world yet, however in the privacy of my home and my time with God and my time with our Ascended Mother Akasha, Jesus, Master Germain and others of the Ascended and Angelic Host that I have come to love, I do not hesitate to say the highest truth to myself, to God, and to my Master; I have come to be a Christ Being; I have come to become Christ on Earth, and ‘I AM’ the Presence that Will pass me through the Door to Everything, my Soul. Now in this moment, I seal myself in the Divine Rapture of the Rose Pink Flames of Divine Love, Will and Grace.

Almighty Rose Christ I AM! (3)