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Letting go and letting God…

Jan 11, 2021 | Ascended Master Quotes

Let go and let God

Many have now been asked to simply let go and let God. Get out of the worrying mind. Let it be. Get out of your own way. Allow the limitations that have built a momentum in your lives to be diffused. Let your old core beliefs run out of steam, stop giving them all your attention. You have the ability to manifest all the good things of life. They are not necessarily those things that you would categorize as the positive aspect of what is termed good and bad. Do you understand? There are greater things yet than what is termed good and bad. The good portion of good and bad is not necessarily good, for there is always something much greater.

Do not be apologetic in any way, but rather come home to the glory and the splendor that is anchored within your physical forms. It is our intention to gently assist you to rediscover the Great presence and Power that lives within your heart, and how to tap into that. Dear Hearts, as you awaken to the divine nature that abides within your forms, realize you are waking up your bodies too. When you make a return path back to love, life begins a raising activity within you and your body, and all places within your physical structures: the pineal, the pituitary, the heart, all are opening and expanding in a great symphony of light. All are awakening and hoping to assist each of you so that your physical forms can begin to emanate a greater light, radiance and presence. The truth is that any form that is less than the expression of perfection is simply an illusion supported by the structure of your core beliefs and your emotions.

If you agree with something, it must act itself out in your life

If you agree with a thing and that thing grows in your emotions, it will act itself out in your lives. Safety, for example, is an issue in your world. If you open a door to where your safety, your security, your personal life is being victimized by another individual or something in the world, this means somewhere deep within your psyche you have opened to this experience while not recognizing the nature of how your thoughts and emotions created it. It is our goal to remind you of the universal principles of such manifestation.

You are powerful creators in your life now, and you have the ability to decree for yourselves what will be in your lives. So, let us begin together to change all of the limiting appearances you seem to face. You will do this by beginning to say, “No!” to the limitation that is manifest in your lives. Begin by claiming, “No! You have no power!” This begins to withdraw the power from the appearance that seems to be limiting you. After you take the power out of your limiting appearances, you must then turn your attention away from them, and focus on what you desire and choose to manifest. It is your attention, through your feelings, that gives power to a thing in your lives. Try to remember:

Wherever your attention goes, there you are. Whatever your attention is continually upon, that you become.”

 This great truth would be very good to take deep within your consciousness. The power of your attention is highly under-rated. Realize deeply, when you begin to establish your own individual truth in life, when that individual truth gains a momentum within you, it will eventually show up in your lives.

This is a truth about manifestation on this planet of choice, for your world is a plane of perception. It is about your perception. It is up to you to evolve your perceptions and understanding of how things work in this world, in this plane, in this dimension of Planet Earth. Choose now to realize you can move out of limitation in every form, for you will all be called upon over the next few years to live forward and love the light. Eventually a healed mind moves out of perception and begins to conceive, the natural activity of a whole unified mind.

Excerpted from: Lovers Path to Enlightenment