The Immortal lives of Comte de Saint Germain
May 24 @ 10:00 am - May 25 @ 3:30 pm PST
Attend in-Person in Vancouver BC, or Online Via Zoom
Beloved Magdalene Roses, I welcome you to an extraordinary weekend with the Ascended Master known to each of you as Saint Germain. Each of His lives individually offer such Divine Assistance and the Causal Body of this Immortal Master holds the accurate records and offerings of his Immortality. Authorized from the Heart of Creation, I Akasha and the Ascended Master Saint Germain hold the way open for Saint Germain to come to us as some of His Immortal Lifetimes on the Earth, where He can directly teach and gift us from those living Embodiments.
- Mother Akasha greets us from the Heart of Creation
- Saint Germain greets us from his Ascension Record
- Living Word of the Prophet Samuel
- His Twinned Life as Sir Francis Bacon
- His life as the High Priest of Atlantis
- Christopher Columbus, the Source of America
- Merlin, the Secret of Eternal Life
- Oracle Germain, Master of the Seventh Ray
- Saint Germain, Original Instruction Eternal Laws of Life
- Saint Joseph, the Father returns the birth of the Original I AM
Our Ascended Master Guests include the Director Logos, Mother Akasha, Saint Germain and the living Embodiments of the Count de Saint Germain.

Online Registration closes at 11:30pm, Thursday, before the event.
Early Sale price ends Friday May 9, 11:30pm PST.
Special Offer!
ZOOM and Attendee Registrants receive a discounted rate on the sound files!
Saturday: 10am to 3:30pm
Sunday: 10am to 3:30pm
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