About Our Events

Weekend Events

The Weekend Events provide us with a 2 to 3 day Intensive Workshop with the Ascended Mother Akasha and our Master Teacher Asun and others of the Ascended Host. Each Weekend Gathering is specifically created with a theme and higher purpose, opening the way for greater enlightenment as the Ascended Masters discourse various subjects relative to the Theme of the Gathering.

The Weekend Gatherings may include the Ascended Master Teachings, the Lost Knowledge, Advanced Knowledge of Resurrection, The Miracle Presence of Healing, Discovering Powers of Transmutation and Transformation, Sacred Geometries and levels of Metaphysics that bring about the illumination of our mind, including steps to achieve higher states of Divine Consciousness, a deeper connection with our own divinity, and feeling and experiencing an Inner Presence of Divine Love and Will.

Discover and Experience…

  • Powerful Means, Ways, and Tools to Transform all areas of your life
  • A weekend in the Radiance of Ascended and Angelic Beings
  • Deep intensive study of Spirituality and Enlightenment with the Masters
  • The Invisible Activity of the Sacred Fire, and how It can affect your life
  • How to undo the seeming power of human limiting appearances
  • Answers to what is our Soul and are there Soul Initiations
  • Correction of core perceptions that limit our life experiences
  • The creative power of our thoughts and feelings
  • New life changing meditations
  • Natural Laws of Abundance and the Power of Qualification

Registering for Weekend Events

1. Attend the events in person if you are in Vancouver, BC

2. Participate in our live Zoom Presentation of the Weekend

3. Order the audio recordings of the event a day or two afterwards in the Online Store

Event Prices

Attend in Person or by Zoom
Price: $195 | Sale Price: $165 CAD

Conclaves and Covenants
Price $275 | Sale Price: $225 CAD

Weekend Events

Weekend Event Schedule: Saturday and Sunday 10am to 3:30pm

Conclaves and Covenants Schedule: Saturday and Sunday 9:30am to 5pm
*Dates are subject to change. Check back for updates or check your newsletters for announcements.

Event Theme - Location: Vancouver
Jan 27-28 - 2024
The Transmutation of our Spiritual Identity
Feb 24-25
Permeation of Higher Substance into form
March 23-24
Resurrection Conclave
April 27-28
Universal Laws of Existence, A Trilogy - Part One
May 25-26
Universal Laws of Existence, A Trilogy - Part Two
June 22-23
Universal Laws of Existence, A Trilogy - Part Three
July 27-28
Live Love and Love will Live you!
Aug 24-25
Diamond Heart Conclave
Sep 21-22
Our Moment in Time - Part One
Oct 19-20
Our Moment in Time - Part Two
Nov 9-10
The Ascending Hearts Conclave
Dec 7-8
Christmas Event

Tree of Life Classes

Wednesdays, 6:30pm - 8pm
January - 2024
10, 17, 24, 31
7, 14 ,21, 28
6, 13, 20, 27
3, 10, 17, 24
1, 8, 15, 22
5, 12, 19, 26
3, 10, 17, 31
7, 14, 21, 28
4, 11, 18, 25
2, 9, 16, 23
6, 13, 20, 27
4, 6, 11, 18

Weekend Classes

Living the Dream Class
Saturday, 10am - 11:30am
Jan 13 - 2024
Feb 10
March 9
April 13
May 11
June 8
July 13
Aug 10
Sep 7
Oct 5
Nov 23
Dec 21
Planetary Class
Saturday, 12:30 - 2pm
Jan 13 - 2024: Mighty Aries, Maha Chohan
Feb 10: Mighty Neptune, Maha Chohan
March 9: Mighty Helios, Maha Chohan
April 13: Mighty Virgo, Maha Chohan
May 11: Great Germain, Maha Chohan
June 8: Elohim Orion, Maha Chohan
July 13: God Meru, Maha Chohan
Aug 10: Mighty Helios, Maha Chohan
Sept 7: Lord Kuthumi, Maha Chohan
Oct 5: Goddess of Harmony, Maha Chohan
Nov 23: Goddess Silver, Maha Chohan
Dec 21: God of Gold, Maha Chohan
Masters Class
Sunday, 10am - 11:30am | 12:30pm - 2pm
Jan 14 - 2024: Mighty Victory | Beloved Asun, Goddess of Venus
Feb 11: Great Germain | Beloved Asun, Beloved Leto
March 10: Elohim Hercules | Beloved Asun, Lady Nada
April 14: The Christ | Beloved Asun, Goddess of Purity
May 12: Director Logos | Beloved Asun, Goddess of Peace
June 9: Sanat Kumara | Beloved Asun, Goddess of Harmony
July 14: Great Germain | Beloved Asun, Goddess of Justice
Aug 11: Archangel Michael | Beloved Asun, Mother Mary
Sept 8: Lord Melchizedek | Beloved Asun, Queen of Light
Oct 6: Lord Maitreya | Beloved Asun, Quan Yin
Nov 24: Mighty Helios | Beloved Asun, Mother Vesta
Dec 22: Elohim Arcturus | Beloved Asun, Mary Magdalene