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Messenger #1 leads the students into the Akashic Field

Jan 17, 2020 | Meditations

Accessing the Akashic Record of our life through the Akashic Field

Messenger #1 leads the students into the Akashic Field

[181109ahc] This morning we will enter into the Akashic Field. Mother Akasha has worked with our Great God Presence above, and the Grand Cosmic Being within our Divine Consciousness, of which both hold the Akashic Record of our life. This is the record we become aware of once we awaken and are aware that God, through our own Individualized God Presence, has a Divine Plan for each of us. The record of that Divine Plan always rests within the Golden Heart of the Mighty God Presence above, and within the Heart-Soul configuration of the Grand Cosmic Being within.

Mother Akasha has given the command that the projection of the Akashic Record, as it is held by our Mighty I AM God Presence and the Grand Cosmic Being has now been projected into the Akashic Field that each of us, as we so choose, may enter in the days, months, and years ahead.

 Messenger Number One reviews some of the basics

Let us be mindful of all Mother Akasha has taught us in the ‘Akasha Magdalene Paradigm Code’ weekend event (180907we), and in the classes that followed. She has asked us to realize that this is only the most elementary understanding of the Akashic Field and that there is so much more that She and others intend to teach us. Most importantly is the recognition that except for what we now know is the Etheric Record of Jesus’ life that has been placed there, and that Mother Akasha has sealed the Akashic Field in terms of the past, it is really the present and future that is most important to us.

The Akashic Field has the potential to begin the process of revealing to us, through whatever intention or purpose we hold and declare before entering the Akashic Field, infinite possibilities and potentials that bring about the fulfillment of whatever it is that is our goals, dreams, intentions, and what we seek to understand.

Mother Akasha has taught us that it is an unfolding process, and that in the Akashic Field we can see, sense, feel, and suddenly know what the Field is revealing to us. It is up to us to be very clear on our intention for entering into the Akashic Field. Mother asks us not to take more than one reason, one purpose in entering into the Akashic Field. She asks us not to remain in the Akashic Field for more than three to four minutes. Ultimately, we are entering into the Field of the Great Mother Energy and to remember that those potentials and infinite possibilities carry the Mother’s Energy of fulfillment. Once the revelation of those potentials are revealed to us, they will then naturally seek their fulfillment in our lives.

Mother also reveals that in the opening days, in the first year or two of entering the Akashic Field, depending upon our ability to still ourselves and to be determined that all our senses will be open and sharpened, we may or may not see, sense, feel or know. Yet She assures us that the Akashic Field is always, and will always reveal infinite possibilities and potentials regarding the matter we are bringing into the Field. Mother assures us that if we are not seeing, sensing, feeling, or knowing, our Higher Discerning Intelligence will choose some of those possibilities and potentials the Field is revealing and through the Great Mother Energy and through the power of Divine Magnetism what the Field reveals literally becomes attached to our outer consciousness so that those things can act out and express in our outer life.

Mother asks that we might be mindful of these things and mindful too that this is not a meditation. This is quite an active activity we are entering into, and yet, it does require stillness and focus. The Akashic Field will help us to achieve that, and also, the more we enter the Akashic Field, will the Field continue to develop our senses and faculties. It will sharpen them to the point that what is spoken of in metaphysics as those letters ESP: extra sensory perception, our senses will be highly developed and expanded, and in time what seems to be a talent of a few who have the ability of ESP will be a normal activity for all of us, not only in the Field, but also in the world where that can be very useful to us.

The work has already been done in anchoring the Akashic Record of our life in the Field, and now, we hold the intention that the Akashic Field reveal to us some of the possibilities and potentials that will help us in the lives we have been given to fulfill the Divine Plan God has for each of us that acts through our own Individualized God Presence and the Grand Cosmic Being within. Our part is to say ‘yes’ to everything that is shown in the Field. It is important we cooperate with the Akashic Record and be the open door that the Divine Plan God has for our lives may be fulfilled in us, through us, and ultimately, as us.

Entering the Akashic Field:

I will take these few moments to guide us into the Field. Mother has told us that there is an oath that we must take every time we enter into the Akashic Field. Let us take a deep breath and prepare to still ourselves.

We remember that the Akashic Field is everywhere, and that the entire Universe of all that has been and all that has yet to be exists in the Akashic Field. It is composed of the elements of the Love of the Great Mother Energy; it is all around us. It has always been all around us, yet because of the fall from Grace, that Field was no longer active for us to enter. We acknowledge and accept with a heart of gratitude that the Divine Mother of Heaven has activated the Akashic Field, and from now forward, the Field is always open to us.

As we prepare to enter the Akashic Field we swear an oath before God that we enter the Akashic Field to fulfill higher purpose. We enter the Akashic Field that we may bring more light and love into this world and that we may continue to make a great difference in the lives God has given us. We enter the Akashic Field that we may be the most positive influence upon others and declare ourselves a being of cause and cause alone, and that cause is love, the most sacred tone.

With our minds still, yet focused, we place our senses and faculties on notice to be so acute, so sharpened and sensitized. We declare our intention that the Akashic Field begin to reveal infinite possibilities and potentials that teach us of the Divine Plan God has for our lives on Earth, and that the Akashic Field teach us how we may cooperate with that Divine Plan God has for each of us so the great Love of the Mother’s Presence can fulfill itself in our lives.

We enter the Akashic Field with great anticipation. Our consciousness is open to everything we see, sense, feel, or know. The Akashic Field begins to reveal images, metaphors, senses, feelings, knowings, promptings, and an infinite range of ways to communicate with us that we may not even be aware of. The Field is open. We are in the Akashic Field and our consciousness is already receiving all that the Field is transmitting to us – the Divine Plan God has for our lives on Earth. Let us be in the Field in silence for a few moments so each of us may have our own personal experience.

Mother Akasha has asked that I reveal to you what the Akasha Field has revealed to me in this moment. In the Akashic Field I have seen all of us in the ballroom, and in the very middle of the ballroom, from floor to ceiling and beyond I have seen the sudden precipitation of the most beautiful magnificent Golden Cross radiating such beautiful Golden Light, the Golden Cross of Reunification, the Gold Cross of Heaven on Earth. The Gold Cross that is the overseer of the Sacred Forces of Transformation, Transmutation, Transfiguration. This is Mother’s Gift from Her Field, a Gift to assist us to fulfill the Divine Plan. Our hearts are full of gratitude to our Beloved Mother Akasha for Her Gift to us.