Sacred Fire & Meditations

Once we have discovered our ‘Individualized God Presence’, our true spiritual nature and source of our life on earth, the next important discovery and spiritual resource for us to use is the knowledge of the Sacred Fire. The Sacred Fire is critical to complete our awakening and to embark upon the great journey of becoming our true self ‘I AM Christ being’ on Earth.

The Sacred Fire comes from the Great Central Sun, at the centre of our Universe, from the Heart Realm of the ‘Infinite I AM Creator Presence’, Mother Father, God Goddess, All That Is. Our ‘Mighty Christ I AM’, being the Perfect Individualization of the ‘Infinite God Presence’ of the Central Sun, is our Source that we call to, for the Sacred Fire to come into our lives.

As Human Beings, after the descent from our Higher Christ Consciousness, we lost the ability to directly produce the Sacred Fire, thus the necessity to call to our ‘Mighty Christ I AM’ to produce the Sacred Fire in our beings and worlds. The Sacred Fire is the Spiritual Fire, not physical, rather Electronic in nature. When called upon, this Sacred Fire comes to us from the Heart of our Beloved Presence. Angels, Ascended Masters and Great Cosmic Ascended Beings are also Sources of the Sacred Fire.

The Sacred Fire cannot harm anyone or anything at any time. The Ascended Masters teach us to set aside some time each day (30 minutes) to enter into the Sacred Fire, our Calls and Decrees, and Contemplation and Meditation on the Great God Presence that abides within our hearts.

The Sacred Fire changes color depending upon the Special Quality and Activity It is charged to provide. The first Flame of the Sacred Fire to begin to work with is The Purifying Cosmic Blue and Purple Flame. Then we can begin to use other great Activities of the Sacred Fire such as The Rose Pink Flames, The Golden Flames, The Cosmic Blue Lightning, The Emerald Green Flames, The White Fire Flames and the Great Seven Fold Flames of Elohim.

Visit the Video Library and watch videos of the Sacred Fire, or to use the Sacred Fire Mantras provided. God Bless you Precious Heart.

PLEASE NOTE: The Monthly Mediations and the 49 Days of Outpouring of light can be found in the Events Section.

The Sacred Fire

Of the Divine Spectrum of Cosmic Light and Sacred Fire, the Cosmic Blue Flame and Cosmic Blue Ray is the First Flame/Ray. It is sometimes referred to as the Flame and Ray of Power and Purity because of Its powerful ability to purify and transmute substance into a higher vibrational form.

The Sacred Flame/Rays are produced by The ‘Individualized Christ I AM Presence’, sometimes referred to as your Higher or Real Self, and is also produced by Angels, Ascended Masters, Great Cosmic Beings and of course The ‘Infinite Mighty I AM Presence’ Mother/Father God from out the Great Central Sun at the Centre of the Universe. The Masters advise us that by Cosmic Intervention we have now entered into the ‘Sacred Fire Age’ for the next 10,000 years ushering in the purity that will bring about the Seventh Golden Age upon our Beloved Earth.

The Beloved Ascended Master El Morya, Archangel Michael and Jesus the Christ, and others of the Ascended Host will project the Sacred Fire to the Earth when they are called upon to do so. The Mighty Elohim of Purity and the Mighty Elohim Hercules also project the Sacred Fire which takes on varying shades of Blue, Violet, Indigo, and Gold depending upon the Purification and Healing required and we can include them when we enter into our daily calls to the Sacred Fire. The great action of these Sacred Fire Purification and Healing Flames really is our Freedom. These Flames are the action of Love, Purity and Power as they pass through our feeling, mental, physical, and etheric bodies, our entire being, and consciousness. As we call upon the Purifying and Healing Flames to dissolve every mistake we have ever made, past, present, and future, this is the end of karmic conditions. These Flames when called into action can purify and erase the mistakes of the past, even past lifetimes, thus freeing us of the karmic law of balancing those mistakes through suffering or other means.

When we use the word Calls to the ‘Sacred Fire’ or entering into Sacred Fire Mantras we are really referring to a dynamic form of prayer where by your call, spoken out loud or inwardly, you are releasing a force of love to your Presence that compels your Presence and the Ascended and Angelic Host to respond to your call by projecting the various colours of the Purifying Flame in, through and around you and everywhere else you direct those Flames such as into your homes, loved ones, and your world. If there is an emotional or physical appearance in your life and world, you can call upon the Sacred Fire to enter right into those conditions to purify and heal them from your life.

We are invited by the Ascended Host to enter into the ‘Sacred Purifying Flames’ for 15 minutes every day. It is preferred that we stand however if you are not able to, sit with good posture. First, connect with the Great Flame of Divine Love that abides within your Heart, and pour your love there. Acknowledge your ‘Essential Real Self I AM’ that abides within you and above you and pour your love and gratitude for the Gift of Life. Then, through your Presence, greet the Great Ascended Beings of the Sacred Fire Flames and their Angels and call upon them to join your Presence in blazing the Purifying Flames in, through, and around you. Now be still for a moment and visualize a Great Pillar of the Sacred Fire around you and passing through you and above you. Imagine this Pillar extending three feet out from you in every direction in a perfect circle, and imagine the Pillar rising up 12 feet high. Visualize the Flames pouring up through your feet into your legs and up into your body. Visualize those Purifying Flames in your mind and brain, see them out in front of you, beside you, and behind you.

Call upon your ‘Mighty Christ I AM’ and the Masters and Angels to pour the greatest Concentration of the ‘Sacred Fire Flames’ through you and call upon these God Flames to purify your mind, feelings, body, being and world of all fear, negative emotion, and discord that has ever registered in your being and world. If you know of anything you specifically would like the Sacred Fire to purify, heal or remove, now is the time to call the Ascended Masters’ Flames into that condition. Now you are ready to enter into a Sacred Fire Mantra. The purpose of the Mantra is to keep you calling in the action of the Purifying Flame and to hold your attention on the Sacred Fire long enough for It to come in and do Its perfect work in you and your world. Finish with deep gratitude and adoration to the Sacred Flames of our Spiritual Hierarchy for all the Freedom Its Action offers you.

Ask your Higher Christ Consciousness to sustain the Action of the Purifying and Healing Flames through you and your world as you now go on about your day. You will find some of the Sacred Fire Mantras here on site for you to use and you can also refer to the Online Store to purchase the Sacred Fire Mantras Booklets. God Bless you!

The Power of Decrees

We have suggested you are Architects of Truth, and now, in order to bring forth the truth of your being, I urge you Precious hearts, open yourselves to the Love within your hearts and your true feelings. Hold yourselves open to the greater Light within your hearts and use your consciousness, use your mind to now invite Perfection’s Presence, the Eternal Presence of Love Divine into your lives. For this Love contains a Mystical Sacred Fire that can heal your mind, your bodies, and your emotions. It contains Celestial Sounds that can recode the atomics of your physical Temple into a finer energy that is of greater health and purity.

In your Prayer Calls and Decrees, call out to my Cherubim Angels of Healing and Illumination and invite Luminous Healing Rays of the Rose Pink Ray Angels to assist you in healing and illumining the limiting information in your mind and body cells, so that your body Temple can respond to the enlightened decisions you are making today.

I am suggesting that you are more enlightened now and have arrived at that place where you can set aside all struggle and begin to see your outer self, your Earthly Embodiments, as Divine Instruments through which you can now invite the Greatness and Perfection of your Being to express.

Angels can respond quickly to your Prayer Calls because the Heart and the Mind of an Angel are one with the Higher Intelligence Mind of each of you. The moment your own Higher Intelligence registers a call for assistance from you, your call is responded to. Many times Angels are sent to you in response to your prayers and meditations. Please try to remember that Angels and Ascended Beings are God’s Great Messengers and Guardians of the Earth and all Peoples. Try to set aside all doubt and have greater Faith in your own God Presence and the Angels when they are called in to assist you.

When you know with your heart of hearts that you have a Higher Intelligence, and that its Presence is right here within your heart and you speak directly to that Inner Presence, then you are communicating directly with your own Divinity, your own Inner God Presence, and when you have no doubt about this, then those calls go directly up and out from your Higher Intelligence to your own ‘Individualized God Presence, I AM’, and the Angelic and Ascended Host who seek to assist you yet often they cannot do so without you using your own free will to invite their intervention through your Prayer Calls and Decrees.

Mantra Sample

Transformation Mantra

By the Power of the 9 Attributes of Christ Consciousness!
Growth & Expansion, Nutrition & Nourishment, Healing, Protection, Fulfillment of
Need & Necessity, Work, Survival, Rhythm, and Law & Order

Transform and Perfect our physical bodies now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!
Transform and Perfect our physical brain now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!

Transform and Perfect our physical sight now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!
Transform and Perfect our physical hearing now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!

Transform and Perfect our cardiovascular health now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!
Transform and Perfect our physical heart now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!

Transform and Perfect our inner organs now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!
Transform and Perfect our bone structure now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!

Transform and Perfect our hair and skin now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!
Transform and Perfect our physical limbs now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!

Transform and Perfect our central nerve system now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!
Transform and Perfect our body metabolism now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!

Transform and Perfect our endocrine system now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!
Transform and Perfect our immune system now!
By the Power of Christ and the Purifying Flames!

Almighty Christ I AM! (3)