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Akasha: TOLC: Oct. 19, 2022 Meditation

Nov 28, 2022 | Meditations

Mother Akasha


In this meditation, we will include Master Germain, and we will go to Mother Father for a good God emptying of the reservoir in your heart. And of course, that reservoir is not the Wellspring of Eternal Life. There are a lot of jewels in the heart – the Wellspring of Eternal Life, the Unfed Flame of God, the Chambers, the Generators. The reservoir is a place in the heart where all our thoughts, words and emotions from the surface mind have been flowing into, and as they gain a momentum, the strongest thoughts, emotions, and words form a mould. The Generators in your heart then project that mould out into the elements, and then the elements take on that mould as experience or manifestation.

Let’s meditate.

Relax, drop your shoulders and let’s begin a gentle journey as we turn our attention to that Spiritual God center that exists below our surface mind into our whole mind-heart. And together let us affirm inwardly:

“I come to greet the Source of my existence, the Mother Father Presence and Consciousness of Life that abides within me, around me, and everywhere transcendent. I love to remind myself of this and it helps me to realize that I am actually inside the Mother Father Universal Consciousness.

As I greet the Mother Father, I also greet the Great Master Germain. Mother Father, I ask you to open wide the stream between your Universal Consciousness and my individualized consciousness. Release a steady flow of Divine Love, Divine Consciousness, and Light into my mind, heart, body, and my feeling side of life.

And while you hold this incoming stream of Divine Consciousness steady, I ask you to empty the reservoir of my heart that has collected all my thoughts, emotions, and words expressed from my surface mind. Empty that reservoir, and then fill it with Eternal Truth, and hold that Eternal Truth so my heart can begin to radiate that Truth throughout my being and world. I thank you.

Mother Father Consciousness and Presence of Life, the Christ teaches us that the highest purpose of our life is to individualize the Source of our existence, therefore, assist me in this divine endeavour. Mother Father Consciousness of Life, I ask you to REVEAL yourself in me and through me. REVEAL yourself in and through the people I contact. REVEAL Thyself in me and through me and through the daily experiences of my life. REVEAL yourself in me and through me as the very life of the Powers of Nature and the Forces of the Elements.

Mother Father Consciousness and Presence of Life, REVEAL Thyself to me and through me and in me, and through all the kingdoms that share life with us upon Earth. I thank you.

Now I enter into the sacred silence and hold a feeling of openness and receptiveness, knowing, Mother Father, that you have heard. I move into the suspension of my thoughts so I may be as open and receptive as I receive all I have asked. I thank you.

< Silence >