Love Divine – The Permanent Atom
Holiday Inn Vancouver-Center (Broadway) 711 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC, CanadaLove Divine - Planetary Atom - The Heart and Soul - The Permanent Atom
Love Divine - Planetary Atom - The Heart and Soul - The Permanent Atom
Attend in-Person in Vancouver BC, or Online Via Zoom Welcome Beloved Magdalene Roses to an exceptional weekend whose focus is acquiring more expanding and higher states of consciousness during practiced meditations that deliver to us glimpses and experiences of multi-dimensional meditations whose benefits are enormous in our lives. Increase of Inner Knowing acting in our […]
Attend in-Person in Vancouver BC, or Online Via Zoom Well Beloved Magdalene Roses, Spring is in the air and with it, comes a personal sense of new Realizations and Personal Revelations of our Hearts that have become much more Spiritual now through the increasing presence of Resurrection. Welcome Beloved Roses to an insightful understanding of […]
Attend in-Person in Vancouver BC, or Online Via Zoom Beloved Magdalene Roses, I welcome you to an extraordinary weekend with the Ascended Master known to each of you as Saint Germain. Each of His lives individually offer such Divine Assistance and the Causal Body of this Immortal Master holds the accurate records and offerings of […]
The Source, Nature and Quality of Existence of our Universe & Individual Self - Pt1 Attend in-Person in Vancouver BC, or Online Via Zoom Welcome Beloved Hearts to a fascinating and stimulating Series of workshops as we study the Source, Nature and Quality of Existence of our Universe. As we expand our understanding, so too […]
The Source, Nature and Quality of Existence of our Universe & Individual Self - Pt2 Attend in-Person in Vancouver BC, or Online Via Zoom Welcome Beloved Hearts to a fascinating […]
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