Love Divine – The Permanent Atom
Holiday Inn Vancouver-Center (Broadway) 711 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC, CanadaLove Divine - Planetary Atom - The Heart and Soul - The Permanent Atom
Love Divine - Planetary Atom - The Heart and Soul - The Permanent Atom
Attend in-Person in Vancouver BC, or Online Via Zoom Welcome Beloved Magdalene Roses to an exceptional weekend whose focus is acquiring more expanding and higher states of consciousness during practiced […]
Attend in-Person in Vancouver BC, or Online Via Zoom Well Beloved Magdalene Roses, Spring is in the air and with it, comes a personal sense of new Realizations and Personal […]
Attend in-Person in Vancouver BC, or Online Via Zoom Beloved Magdalene Roses, I welcome you to an extraordinary weekend with the Ascended Master known to each of you as Saint […]
The Source, Nature and Quality of Existence of our Universe & Individual Self - Pt1 Attend in-Person in Vancouver BC, or Online Via Zoom Welcome Beloved Hearts to a fascinating and stimulating Series of workshops as we study the Source, Nature and Quality of Existence of our Universe. As we expand our understanding, so too […]
The Source, Nature and Quality of Existence of our Universe & Individual Self - Pt2 Attend in-Person in Vancouver BC, or Online Via Zoom Welcome Beloved Hearts to a fascinating and stimulating Series of workshops as we study the Source, Nature and Quality of Existence of our Universe. As we expand our understanding, so too […]
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