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Goddess of Joy Meditation: TOLC: June 7, 2023

Jul 31, 2023 | Meditations

Meditation: Goddess of Joy

[230607tolc] Let us make ourselves relaxed. Take a few deep breaths and focus your attention upon the Unfed Flame in the heart, the Majestic Supreme Aloah Heart Plumes, and the Seven-fold Flame in the forehead. Feel all the Unfed Flames that have been anchored within as you expand and release their radiance all around you into the atmosphere.

Your physical body is becoming lighter and lighter and lighter. Your mind is becoming brighter and brighter and brighter. Your feelings are expanding, expanding, and expanding, as I, Mother Akasha, call upon the Goddess of Joy.

“Beloved Joy, come Thou mighty motor of existence, Thou almighty motor of the Universe. I invite Thy presence to be with my beloved precious students this day.

Charge them with your Ascended Master Feeling of Boundless Joy. Go before them and work with their Higher Christ Minds and their Higher Magnetic Bodies to set this forth into their fields of Consciousness and their own individual consciousness. Drop seeds of Boundless Joy upon their paths, so as they move upon that straight and narrow path of Resurrection, and ultimately Ascension, sprouting up upon that pathway are unlimited moments and experiences of Boundless Joy filling their minds, hearts, feelings, and all the cells and organs of their physical bodies, quickening the activities of the T-Force and the Metamorphosis.

Attract to them the greatest Powers of Divine Love, of Cosmic Light, and Eternal Wisdom into their midst so wherever they move in this world, they are always calm and poised in the Fullness of the Presence of the Christ.

Charge their energetic fields with your Divine Joy, Joy that cannot be taken away, Joy that cannot be silenced or smothered by any force outside of itself, Joy that is self-sustained and ever-expanding in all its Glory and Grace through each of these, my beloveds, and through them unto all they contact as they walk and move in this world and place their hands upon the plants, the flowers, the trees, the shrubs, and the Earth, the grasses, and the soil.

That Joy, that Love is pouring into the Powers of Nature and the Forces of the Elements, and it is healing this Planet, and replenishing, rejuvenating, and restoring the true Self-Luminous Imperishable Substance that this Garden of Eden was in the beginning.

My beloveds, thou hast the Power within. Thou art the Power within governed by Divine Wisdom and charged with Divine Love. Thou art so powerful my beloveds, that we have given you free will to be the architects of your lives, to be the choosers and to have the power of choice to choose your paths and destinies, and to choose who you shall become and who you shall be in every given moment. The stage is yours.

Choose your character wisely. Choose your countenance wisely. Choose your expressions wisely – how you appear and express yourself in the world, how you move about in the world, but do not overthink it; allow it to be a natural unfolding activity.

As the harmony of your Heart Flame and feeling side of life reveals to you the perfect being you are meant to be from moment to moment, know that there is nothing either right or wrong. There is neither good nor bad, except thinking makes it so. And now, it is time to think it is so. And by that I mean to think it so in your Higher Christ Mind, to think it so in your Heart, to think it so in the Fullness of the Presence of the Christ in which your thoughts, your thinking processes are all pure, positive ideas, pure positive images and pictures, pure, positive ways and means revealing themselves through your mind’s eye and thoughts, in which no matter what you are faced with, no matter what comes to you, it’s neither good nor bad, and for the most part, if it is of the outer world, it is but seeking its release from the bondage of this world. It is seeking its freedom from being entrapped in this world, and you have come now to set that energy free.

You, as a being of the Sacred Fire, as an Untouchable Christ Being, you have come now into the world as the Deliverer Come, as the Savior Come, as the Redeemer Come, as the Fullness of the Glorious Presence ‘I AM’ come into this world.

Be ye made whole again through the Love of the Sacred Fire. The Sacred Fire is everything. The Sacred Fire is what you are. The Sacred Fire is that which sets all energy and substance free. It is the True Liberty that you have been seeking to abide in the Fullness of the Presence of the Holy Spirit. For where the Spirits of the Presence within and above is, there is liberty, and none can stop the liberation that is pouring into you and through you to the world, my beloved Hearts.

I, Mother Akasha, enfold you in my Rose Pink Heart Flame. Feel my Greater Love every time you meditate. And every time you make a cup of tea, you are sipping on my Love. Every time you make a meal and sit down to enjoy it for the nourishment of your physical body that you may receive the vital spiritual nutrition from within and without from the outer world, you are consuming my Love, but in a way in which that Love is building more and more within every cell of your physical body and affecting the DNA of your physical body – adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine[1], and uracil, bringing forth what only we Beings know is the proper way and means of altering your DNA:

  • so you may receive the greater activities of the incoming Cosmic Light and Divine Love of Fifth Dimensional frequencies and greater, and
  • so you may bring forth the beautiful alterations of the out-picturing, the Transformation, the Transfiguration of your physical embodiment into the true image and similitude of the White Fire Body, which is your Higher Christ Self, and the Love of my I filling that divine image, and
  • so your physical body can become that which you behold, have beheld, and
  • can today and tomorrow, behold from those individuals who have opened themselves to the greater activities of life to carve out of the stone and marble of this world those statues that represent the perfect physique, the perfect physical form, to represent it in a way that each of you were intended to represent it, not as a still statue or a frozen stone figure, but as an animated enlivened being filled with Spirit and I.

I say to you your hearts, it is in our Power to pour forth our Love into those statues and stones and make them come to life. But we much prefer you – who are already alive and breathing the Fire Breath of Life in these physical forms, these beautiful bodies – to assist you to bring your physical bodies into their perfect image and likeness of their Higher Christ selves.

Listen, listen, listen right now dear hearts. Your physical form is so beautiful! I AM Akasha. I see your true image, and I see the image you are projecting into this world right now, yet I do not judge your beauty upon the standards of beauty of the outer worlds, and what destroys so many men and women.

I am wisely and divinely offering you my Feeling of Divine Love to assist you to truly let go of what you have taken on from out there, and to come and journey and turn within and meet and greet myself and know that as I say to you:

“Your physical form, your body is beautiful in this moment. Your body is ideal for you in this moment.”

Perhaps not as ideal or beautiful or perfect as you desire it to be or think that you would like it or love it to be. Nonetheless, you cannot get there if you stay where you are – in silent judgment and criticism and self-condemnation against your physical body – when your physical body does nothing but cooperate and work together to give of itself to you, and to live in this world and experience this world. It never fights you. It never battles you.

Oh yes, it does warn you. It does communicate with you. It does alert you. It does let you know when it is suffering and in pain and agony, and soreness and hurtfulness, because love is lacking, love is absent, and judgment, condemnation, criticism, blame have taken its place.

Let my Love fill you now and wash away, melt away all those silent judgments and hurts that came upon you as a child, as a teenager, as an adult. I have the Power. My Love will do this for you – if you will just accept it – and then in its place can come through that liberation and the opening of the space of your consciousness, and the freeing of those past energies, the true inner beauty of your own Individualized I Power and Individualized Christ Force from the Inner Sanctum emerging up through you, and effortlessly, as the wave of a hand, or the batting of an eyelash, can assist that inner and then outer Transformation, Transfiguration, and Metamorphosis of your physical form.

Your body is beautiful, and you might affirm it in the ‘I’:

“My body is beautiful. My body is lovely just the way it is, and Mother Akasha says I must start now where I am. How will I ever get to where I desire to be if I do not start now, and I keep carrying the past and revolving the inner dialogue of the old that just delays and keeps me enmeshed and trapped in the old thought patterns, in the old emotional patterns, and then the habits of the physical body.

I welcome Mother Akasha’s Grace upon me. I welcome Mother Akasha’s Grace to pour forth through me. I welcome Mother Akasha’s Grace into every cell and organ of my physical body.

I love you, I love you, I love you my physical body. You are so loved and so blessed, and I’m so grateful for all you do for me, for all you offer me, for all you make yourself subject to my will, to my desires, to my cravings, to my wants, to my needs.”

And as that gratitude wells up in you, then what has been the cravings and the wants and needs of the outer world will drop away. And it is though a new atomic structure, now reviving the Points of Light within every electron of every cell. The body, the atomic structure moves more into an electronic structure of which the higher vibrations and frequencies of your Higher Christ Self are pouring in, emerging, and emanating their Light Substance, their Liquid Light, and their Love and Presence of the Sacred Fire through every cell and into the atmosphere all around you.

And only that which will aid and benefit and assist the growth and expansion and evolution of your physical form into its true image and similitude will come to pass, will come to be your everyday experience, moment to moment to moment.

And then we get the ball rolling in which you enter into the Law of Continuity and the Law of Momentum, and you break the old patterns, the old habits, the old pressures of the outer worlds energies; they drop away and no longer can enter your Electronic Circle and influence your behaviors and activities.

All is coming from the Divine Self Within and above. You are now plugged back in. You are now connected to Source, to your True Self, to the ‘I AM’ God Presence, to the Fullness of the Presence of the Christ.

‘The Door to Everything’ is open, and the Love of the I of the Mother’s Presence is pouring into you, and through you, and all around you. Only that which is of Itself will be allowed to enter into Itself – the finest of the finest, the best of the best, the greatest of the greatest – that provides everything necessary for you to live and experience a life in this physical body, this physical form in the Fullness of the feelings of the vibrations of Happiness and Boundless Joy. This is true freedom my dear hearts. Let us hold the total stillness and silence for a few moments.

“I AM is the only Presence acting. I AM is the only Power acting. I AM is the only wisdom acting.

Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adonai Elohim T’sebayoth. Aloah Akasha. Aloah Akasha. Aloah Akasha. Ola Kala Akasha. Ola Kala Akasha. Ola Kala Akasha.

I AM Alaki, Alaki, Alaki, and I offer all of my Love to you.”

< Silence >

[1] Adenine (A) is one of the four nucleotide bases in DNA, with the other three being cytosine, guanine, and thymine.

Uracil is one of the four nucleobases in the nucleic acid RNA. Uracil’s use in the body is to help carry out the synthesis of many enzymes necessary for cell function through bonding with ribose and phosphates.

Note: DNA possesses thymine instead of uracil as thymine possesses greater resistance to photochemical mutation, providing more stability to genetic message. This is essential for holding all of the information required for life to function.