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Mother Akasha We Appreciate You!

May 21, 2021 | Akasha Appreciation Day

Happy Ascension Anniversary Beloved Akasha!

Together, may we contemplate how our lives have changed for the better having Beloved Akasha’s Teachings guiding us. Have you become a more loving, caring person? Has Akasha inspired you to acts of selfless service? Have your relationships become more harmonious? Are you more at peace with yourself and the world? Have you welcomed the creativity of your Soul to emerge? We are so grateful to you, Beloved Akasha, for the Beautiful Gift of You in our lives every day!  Perhaps each of us can take a few moments, get out in nature, take a walk and contemplate all the ways our lives have been touched by Beloved Mother Akasha. We love You! We Bless You! We Thank You! We Appreciate You! Happy Ascension Anniversary!

Mother Akasha Quote from TOLC May 5, 2021

‘My Soul has been activated and I just welcome her, all throughout my day I welcome her

too, because she is the Ascended heart – that is another way of saying it – she is the Queen

of the Heart Kingdom, and so I just welcome her to come up into my thoughts, to come

up into my feelings, and here the third one now, to come up into my impulses.

Because when your Soul is leading your impulses, she is feeding your impulses with desires with

creativity you’ve never experienced before. She is feeding your impulses with desires you never

had before. This is a whole new ballgame.”