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We appreciate our right of choice, our right to vote!

Oct 13, 2020 | Akasha Appreciation Day


There is a national election coming soon in America.  Every year there are national elections in many nations of the world. We call upon the Ascended Masters to over-light the people of the world, encouraging all to vote in their national elections.  We command Master Alchemist Germain to pour his Sacred Fire and for the Goddess of Justice to pour her Divine Flames of Justice into  all national elections so we have a God-Government “of the people, by the people and for the people” and that those ones elected are pure of heart, good constructive people looking out only for the good of the people and NOT their own agendas.  In regards to those who seek public office, let those who are not constructive be exposed by THE LIGHT OF GOD THAT NEVER FAILS!  We command this in the name of our Beloved Ascended Jesus Christ, Beloved Master Germain and Beloved Goddess of Justice!