Mother Akasha’s Meditation Class

$29.00 CAD$34.00 CAD

Meditate with the Great Masters and let them gently guide you into Sacred Spaces of your Consciousness.

$29.00 CAD

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Mother Akasha’s Meditation Class

This is a Special Edition of Mother’s Tree of Life Class. Included are several types of her Special Focus Meditations along with Studies on the Nature of Specialized Meditation itself. She teaches how critical it is to create Gaps of Silence within our thinking mind, until we have trained ourselves to suspend the thinking mind where we find ourselves entering into a silence and stillness that fulfills the particular meditation we have entered into. Personal and Direct contact with God is available in the Silence of the Moment.

1. Mother Akasha – Introduction – 30:25
2. Practitioners Treatment – 11:10
3. Mother Akasha – 23:00
4. Metamorphosis Meditation – 9:14
5. Mother Akasha – 7:50
6. Demonstration Treatment – 11:11
7. Mother Akasha – 18:02
8. Christ Force Field Meditation – 12:52
9. Mother Akasha – Closing Address – 3:09

Total Run Time: 2hrs 6mins