Mount Shasta Weekend Gathering:
Embrace the Raising Activity of Your Life. The Resurrection of Your Body Elemental.
Transform the Inner Activity of your creative thoughts and feelings | Impact your world instead of being impacted by the world | Change the vibration of everything inside you, your reality will change | Withdraw all power and energy from limiting appearances in your life | Develop a stronger relationship with Angels and everything improves | Resurrection of our Body Elemental | The Vegetarian Vegan way to life in our body | Sacred Fire Forgiveness Blessing to the Animal Kingdom | We live now by the Book of Life, Book of Knowledge is set aside | The Wheel of Reincarnation is complete |The Path of Resurrection, a Sovereign Choice | Your time to actualize being in this world but not of it | Working with the Three Flames of Resurrection | Resurrection of our Central Nerve System | The Heart Flame, Christ Mind, and Soul responds | And much much more ~ Mount Shasta 2013
1 CD