Higher Consciousness Meditations
Welcome Beloved Magdalene Roses to an exceptional weekend whose focus is acquiring more expanding and higher states of consciousness during practiced meditations that deliver to us glimpses and experiences of multi-dimensional meditations whose benefits are enormous in our lives.
- Increase of Inner Knowing acting in our lives
- Neuro Pathways between heart and mind become activated
- Our Soul uses Higher Consciousness Meditations
- Our Higher Mental and Magnetic Bodies, our thoughts and feelings
- Pathway to genius like thinking and rich feelings open
- We become aware of greater Higher Purpose
- A rich world of ‘Connection’ opens up for us
- Connecting to a rich inner world of Consciousness
- Connecting to the ideal people, places and circumstances
- Our world of experience becomes richly abundant
Our Ascended Master Guests include Mother Akasha, Father Asun, Quan Yin, Lord Siddhartha, Lady Nada, the Christ, Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary.