Goddess of Music

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Goddess of Music

Grace Eterna Melody known as the Goddess of Music
She is the overseer of the Music of the Celestial Spheres

“Music is my Soul’s Gift to Life. Happiness is the flame within my heart that drew into my awareness my Soul’s Gift to Life.”

The Music of the Spheres is what holds this Universe together. There is not anywhere in this Universe that you can go to where you can possibly escape the music that Light plays, the music that Love plays. Light as it is spoken; Love as it is offered always simultaneously creates a melodic cord. Everything that is constructed; a sacred mandala, a mantra, a decree, a sacred geometry, your own physical forms, the construction of all these things are all held in place, if it is to have permanency, if it is to have duration, by the Music of the Celestial Spheres.

The only reason you do not hear this higher music is because Earth’s atmosphere has been charged with discord. As we raise our vibrational frequency, we will be able to start hearing the Music of the Celestial Spheres.

Artist: Gayliaa

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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Print Format

5x7in, 8.5x11in