Third Annual Ascended Masters Earth Council
The Maha Chohan: You are the new First Responders!
You have a destiny, discover how to fulfill it |Impact the world, instead of being impacted by it |Discover your hidden power to create the life you desire | The Seventh Golden Age is here, what can we expect | The Ascended Host gather in the Royal Tetons | Beloved Emanuel speaks to the upcoming Untouchables |Beloved Great Master Germain, receiving my Heart Flame Presence | The Goddess of Light comes to over-light you directly | Akasha: The first gathering of Radiant Rose Souls in Salt Lake City | Asun: Untouched by the world, becoming sovereign in nature |Great Divine Director, Our Intervention increases now | The Maha Chohan: You are the new First Responders | Goddesses Faith, Hope, and Charity, increases Their Presence in us | Lady Nada: Stand with me, I will stand with you | Beloved Virgo: A time to deliver Earth from all destruction | Mighty Victory, Let my hand of Victory be upon you | Archangel Gabriel: The Great Messenger returns from the Central Sun | The Ascended Mr. President Speaks to America | And much much more! ~ Salt Lake City 2013
2 CD Set