
Goddess of Liberty

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Goddess of Liberty

Goddess of Liberty invites you to visualize Beloved America enfolded in Her Cosmic Heart Flame blazing the Blue of Eternal Freedom. In the centre of Her Heart Flame is a tiny Royal Purple Violet Heart of Saint Germain’s Royal Purple Violet Heart of Freedom. This is Her Cosmic Heart expanding through America into Canada, Central and South America, enfolding the entire world. Goddess of Liberty is the Guardian Protector of Freedom to the entire Universe. Blessed Liberty’s Cosmic Christ Blue Flaming Torch brings about the forced purification and protection unto people and nations, and is Her symbol of freedom. One of Her gowns is of “deep blue and ivory that carries Divine Initiation”. She instructs “it is impossible to place your attention on nothing. Where attention goes energy flows, and what you do not desire to appear in your life must not be allowed to enter your consciousness. That which is nothing must cease to be and cannot exist.”


Artist: Gayliaa

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Print Format

5x7in, 8.5x11in