Living and Experiencing a Spiritual and Abundant Life
Eight Hour Recording with Akasha, Asun and Ascended Master Guest Living and Experiencing a Spiritual and Abundant Life. I AM Perfectly Happy, Balanced and Abundant….a time to make this real! | Thoughts, Visuals and Feelings…the Internal process | Building Positive Attitudes and sticking with them…no matter what! | Successful Techniques for keeping yourself centered in the presence of peace | Changing the Feedback and Reflections in your experience side of life | Becoming more conscious of the energy we are silently broadcasting every day | When Affirmations work and when they don’t | New Meditations to experience your Spiritual Nature | Make Enthusiasm, Inspiration and Amplified Will work for you | Building and Experiencing your Rainbow Bridge between your heart and mind | Rise to the next level of ‘Saying Yes to Life’ | Claiming your Joy Factor and never losing it again | Illumination regarding your Spiritual Sovereignty and Independence | Experience what happens when you are ‘One’ with the Greater Powers of our Universe | Staying free of fear, doubt, stress and negative emotions | Abundance is naturally yours by Divine Right | Making the connection to your Abundance and manifesting it | The Resurrection up and out of all limitation begins.~ Calgary 2010
1 CD