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Beloved Emanuel

This image of Jesus the Christ is the image that the Ascended Masters refer to as Emanuel, King of Kings, from the Golden Shrine Galaxy, Cosmic Christ, before He came to the Earth as Master Jesus.

It is Emanuel, who was identified as the Brightest Light in the Universe and the first choice as the Golden Flame of Illumination, by those who were organizing the Divine Plan to save the Earth and Her people. After Sanat Kumara opened His robe to reveal a living picture of the plight of the people, Emanuel agreed to come to Earth, then, put forth His own ideas. He asked that the lands of the Three Americas be purified by Sacred Fire and laid to rest for thousands of years to erase all etheric records of war and bloodshed. He then sent His very own People from the Golden Shrine Galaxy, who are known as The First Nations Peoples, to protect the lands and preserve them in as much purity as possible, in preparation for His coming.

We call to Emanuel when calling for assistance in His Authority from the Great Central Sun. Now, as the Ascended Jesus Christ Emanuel, He governs from the Throne of the Infinite Father’s Presence of our Universe for 10,000 years, this Seventh Golden Age. This privilege was given to Him by the Heavenly Father to recognize His accomplishment. His Twin Flame is The Supreme Queen of the Golden Shrine Galaxy.

  Artist: Gayliaa