Queen An-Ra

$25.00 CAD

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Beloved Queen An-Ra

Beloved Queen Anra is the Twin Flame to Ra, the ancient Egyptian Sun God. Presently the Queen serves on several Grand Councils for the Andromedan, Sirians and Pleiadians, that have been designed to assist our Earth Planet in this new Seventh Golden Age.

Members of these Grand Councils are great Cosmic Star Beings who use a variety of ways to let the People of Earth know…the time is NOW…to heal our selves and our Planet. The Grand Councils are a step down from the Supreme Galactic Council that oversees our Galaxy. Queen Anra is also a Member of the Supreme Council as well as serving on the Grand Councils.

These Mighty Star Beings may be considered the Universal Mentors and Advisors to developing worlds such as ours.

Size 4A. Artist: Gayliaa

Additional information

Weight 0.04 kg
Dimensions 29.7 × 21 × .02 cm